Ali Bierman – Long Bio
Ali Bierman thrives following two Traumatic Brain Injuries that ended life as she knew it. In every moment she does what it takes to lead a normal life and then some – way more, in fact.
For this courageous woman, speaking, swallowing, and walking are conscious chore. She has to tell her body what to do since it no longer performs those tasks automatically. She reports that the extra energy she expends to appear normal is worth the effort. In fact, her re-inventing herself in each moment led her to discover True Happiness.
A graduate of Duke University and Marymount University, Ali is a #1 Best Selling Author and is listed in more than one half dozen Who’s Who books. With a background in psychotherapy, specialized kinesiology, art, music, speaking and writing, she compliments her skills as an ordained metaphysical minister. Her diverse experience and creativity allow her to handle any situation in a new and different way.
She generously assists others who have been told, “This is as good as it gets. Learn to live with it.” In her specialized kinesiology practice she eliminates the programs hidden deep in the subconscious mind that run us 95% of every day. She then installs anti-self -sabotage programs to prevent people from back-sliding.
Ali turns tears of hopelessness and despair into smiles of joy and accomplishment for thousands of people who spend their lives feeling inadequate and never enough.
Whether that feeling comes from a lifetime of being told they are not smart enough, not pretty enough, not talented enough, or that dread, “I can’t do it!” comes from an injury, Ali’s life mission – through her writing, music, art and speaking – is to inspire people and present the exact steps to THRIVE! Don’t Just Survive. Wishing, hoping and talking about your dreams will never make them real in your world. Only action moves you to where you want to go.
On the fun side, Ali was in the Peanut Gallery on the Howdy Doody Show when she was very little. She has kayaked and snorkeled throughout the Caribbean islands. As a musician she enjoyed playing clarinet in orchestras and bands accompanying such music greats as The Paul Winter Consort, Andre Watts and John Browning. As a Flower Child in the 1960s, Ali painted flowers on her car, on her school notebook, wore daffodils in her hair, and sported her own tie-dyed tees. In her current home, she displays one tie-dyed marvel she calls, “Fried Eggs In Dyes and Oil.” The reference is to oil paint not cooking oil. To complete the picture, with her hair past her waist, she wrote and performed folk rock music.
Contact Ali Bierman:
thrivewithali [at] gmail [dot] com