“Lifetime of hurt gone in twenty minutes”
Tawnia Woodhouse Owens, Entrepreneur, Boise, ID
“I could hardly walk. Ali took away the pain.”
Karen Gamel Hughes, entrepreneur, Boise, ID
“Ali’s books made quite a difference in my life”
Jarin Liscinski, entrepreneur, www.beneficialbailbonds.com
Boise, ID
” I would go as far as to say Ali has the gift of a Miracle Worker.”
Ali Bierman is a one of a kind healer. I have known Ali for many years and I always look forward to being in her presence for she is not only a unique healer, she is also an excellent teacher. What makes Ali unique is the love and expertise she brings to her clients healing experience. You walk away feeling loved, nurtured, healed and very much informed about your condition.
My most recent experience was just two months ago when I was visiting Ali. I was getting myself ready to go to the airport to return to my home in Los Angeles; I experienced excruciating pain in my back. Something new for me and I knew there was no way I could go to the airport with this horrible pain. Ali had a business appointment that morning which she cancelled to work on my back pain. She was working against the clock as my flight was to leave in three hours. Lo and behold, Ali worked with me for an hour and got me to where I could move my body with much less pain enough to where I could walk. Needless to say, with Ali’s love and support, we made it to the airport on time. I would go as far as to say Ali has the gift of a Miracle Worker.
– Mary Garcia, The Reconnection Practitioner, Redondo Beach, CA
“After working with Ali I was able to get through my taxes without panic”
And now I can look at my bank account without any emotional attachment! That is so great! Also, I was getting up much earlier in the morning, until the time change.
– Lisa Martin Nami, Ascension Portal & Empath, Boise, ID
“When I do think of the situation — I’m not upset or uptight about it — just calm”
After one session with Ali I’m doing much better with my thoughts on my sister and the estate
situation. In fact — I can say she really hasn’t crossed my mind at all
since we visited. When I do think of the situation — I’m not upset or
uptight about it — just calm. Thank you for walking me through that. I’m blessed to have such wonderful people like you in my life.
– Donna Foster, Entrepreneur, Meridian, ID
“I feel empowered to meet my own needs and am surprised at the positive, courteous responses that I receive.”
I am pleased to report that my life has changed much for the better since you cleared the blockages in my brain and spirit. I have learned to take care of my needs and no longer feel like a victim.
I am regularly aware of actions that I take and things that I say that I would never have performed before.
I feel empowered to meet my own needs and am surprised at the positive, courteous responses that I receive.
On a very positive note, my son stayed with me for three weeks during the winter and we got along famously. There was not even one cross word between us. I simply expressed my needs and desires and respected his. It is amazing how that works! I feel blessed that our paths crossed because I am on a road to a happier life because of you.
– Cheryl Anderson, Meridian, Idaho
“I have peace of mind knowing whenever things become overwhelming, I can always refer to what I have learnt from you, I couldn’t be more grateful for the journey you have put me on.”
Many thanks for all your literature, im thoroughly enjoying reading and listening to them when I have my time, I think the book about becoming rich I am going to have to read a few times before I can fully understand it all.
I can already see good things happening in my life and I am able to cope so much better with any bad things that keep sneaking up, really thats thanks to you helping me realize what is most important and helping me to become a stronger person mentally.
I have peace of mind knowing whenever things become over welming, I can always refer to what I have learnt from you, I couldn’t be more grateful for the journey you have put me on.
– Felicity C., United Kingdom
“What you have given me is priceless…”
I first signed up for your news emails when I was in dear need of guidance and was going through a very bad time in my life. I found you through google and it was a very devastating evening for me and I typed in the search “how can I be happy” and your email was the first thing that my eyes laid upon. i went to your site, signed up for the emails and read everything you sent my way (i still do). From your emails I got some leads to other emails that have really helped me and gave me ideas and reasons on how to go on in my life, like mind movies and holosync.
I found your site last October. Since then I can’t tell you that my financial situation has improved or that my living is improved but what you have given me is priceless. Its means and ways of thinking on how to become a happier person, which I am I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me, even though you probably did not know how deeply you have saved me back then last year, and for all the other people and sites and information and inspiration that you have went my way. Thank you!
– Natalya K., Brooklyn, NY
“i felt joy and from then i smile most of the day”
before i read your “45 Tips” book in that day i was little sad and feeling lonely because i don’t have true friends but then i started reading your book
then i read “smile” then i said i won’t lose anything if i tried to smile then it was
like a magic i felt from the inside that im happy, i was really surprised
really thank you . then i tried to laugh out loud i felt joy and from then
i smile most of the day.thank you
Anas Hosam, Egypt
“when i started loving my self….i found a miracle…people around me loves me”
hi Ali,
really God bless u ….u suggested me to love myself…n when i started loving my self….i found a miracle…people around me loves me…including my ex boyfriend…..i got him back recently…
thank you
Ali u r gr8!!!
– Shreya
“I ‘met’ you just when I needed someone’s gentle but, firm guidance.”
Ali, you don’t know how thankful I am to you. I mean, you have helped me tremendously….we may never meet in person ever but, hey, I surely will do my best to meet you…one day. Your newsletters….videos – they were/ are just great, Ali. You have helped…are helping me…break down that wall…come over my fears…anxieties…I ‘met’ you just when I needed someone’s gentle but, firm guidance. Keep up the good work, Ali :]
Best Regards
Josh Dewan
“Ali Bierman has had a significant impact on the way I see myself and relate to others.”
There’s something truly POWERFUL that happens when you follow your heart and live true to your values.
My mom’s death left me without any family. I made my choices in life and that left me with no partner, no children and few remaining friends. I was labeled by many as weak, needy and angry. I was told that I was pushing people away. I didn’t appreciate their unsolicited advice. I saw them as being judgmental and selfish to say the least.
When I searched for the gentleness of my mom’s spirit in others and sought assistance from my circle of friends, I found few like-minded individuals who could help when I was so emotionally exhausted.
I was unable to get others’ to apply my simple way of thinking, to drastically transform their lives in positive ways and inspire others to do the same UNTIL I found Ali Bierman.
Ali Bierman has had a significant impact on the way I see myself and relate to others. I learned how to handle my grief, deal with my losses and come to terms with fractured friendships that were toxic to me. I learned to love those people from afar and see their personalities as a painted canvas. I have no regrets. More important, all these experiences have helped me better cope and shape who I truly am.
It’s my hope that my story will speak to your heart and help you to believe that living by your own values can empower you, positively affect your well-being and gain better insight into being happy.
Thank you, Ali.
– Alfie, New York, New York
“Thank u for being a positive part of my life – you don’t know what your messages mean to me”
I feel very alone and isolated and overworked – and yet I read one leeeeedle itty bitty mail from you and I feel your energy as only happy and smiling and healing and calming. THANK YOU ALI for blessing me with your friendship! U rock gal x x x
Lots of love and healing light,
– Pam, South Africa
“your videos have changed my thinking and my life is much better for my having seen them.”
May God bless you.
– With Love, Andrea
“Someone commented that I must be feeling pretty good because I was smiling. So I must be doing something right.”
Hi Ali,
I have already seen a change. I have eliminated (or am trying) the words don’t and not from my vocabulary. I read those 2 little phrases you gave me to myself every morning, then look in the mirror and tell myself “you are going to have a good day today. You will be free of pain.” Then I wink at myself and say “You can do this.” I have had several good days in a row now. I went to church today and several people asked how I was doing. I would either say Great or On top of the world. Some commented that I must be feeling pretty good because I was smiling. So I must be doing something right.
– Roger R., Wisconsin, USA
“Just wanted to say thanks for all the great information you provide.”
Hope your life is happy these days. Your accident was a catalyst that gave the world a wonderful gift in you.
Stay well.
– Gary F., ON, Canada
“You see Ali, you have inspired a great response in me by your recent
Thank you so much!
All the very best, and God bless you.
– Margi, United Kingdom
“I want you to know that I think you are really special and a really blessing for the many you have helped.”
I’m grateful to God for allowing me the opportunity to having met you online and I
pray that you receive hundreds upon hundreds of blessings and that ALL your wishes
come true.
You ARE awesome Ali!
– Lucila P., Illinois, USA
“Ali is helpful and inspiring in guiding you to what you are looking for.”
Ali’s presentations are very effective and powerful and
come from a knowledge-base. She knows what she is talking
– Sarah S., RN, Charlottesville, VA
“Ali really comes from the heart.”
– Hollie Hummel, Actress and Seminar Leader, Los Angeles, CA
“The love you have for others comes through so clearly in the sweetness of your voice and the passion of your delivery.”
I believe that everyone who takes part in these teachings will feel as though you are their friend as well and will make leaps and bounds in their life.
I highly commend your work and I support your teachings in Love and Light!”
-Erin H., Boise, ID
“That was a really great and inspiring email you sent. Thanks, I needed to hear that.”
I read every email you send and I get a lot out of them.
– Antoinette
“And you really touch me every time when you write: be well and happy. In the end nothing else matters.”
Thank you for you.
– Janny V., Hengelo, the Netherlands
“Thanks so much…..your ending quote, I believe, says it all!”
“To have something you have never had you must first choose to be someone who can do things you have never done. Be. Do. Have.”
– Lydia