love yourself first

Celebrate the Most Important Person In Your World [TAT] 2

As human beings we live as social animals thriving in relationships with others. Whether those relationships simply encompass people who we meet in passing, clerks in the store, family, friends, or colleagues, makes no difference.

In the award=winning song, People, a highlight of the 1964 Broadway musical Funny Girl (music by Jules Styne and lyrics by Bob Merrill) the lesson expounded simply states that “People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.”

Okay, makes sense, yes?

Ah, but amidst the many people in your world, who is the most important one in your life?

Watch the video to discover the one and only person who MUST be #1 in your world.

Do the Take Action Tuesday Challenge and allow us to celebrate that person with you.

Selfish: What is and What is NOT Selfish [TAT] 2

Oliver Wendell Holmes shared a very accurate definition of the concept”selfish” which you will discover when you watch this video. Tell us if you agree with his wise words or if you have something different in mind when you hear the term “selfish.”

Be sure to let us know your action step today and please remember to click LIKE and Share this Take Action Tuesday post.
Imagine how different your world will look when you take on today’s challenge. This one will change your life forever – starting today.

The Greatest Gift Of All

Everyone wants to give meaningful gifts, no matter what the occasion. There is only gift that tops all others for time eternal. Interesting, don’t you think, that people usually buy or make things – physical, material things? Things have a limited lifespan both in longevity of the items and in the meaning and purpose they […]