Say, “I Love You” Today 2

The time to let others know you appreciate them and love them is not at the funeral service. It is now and every day. I challenge you to today’s Take Action Tuesday.
Oh yeah, you can do this every day not just on Tuesdays.

Tell us who you called and how you felt afterward. You may inspire someone to do the same and change a life – maybe even save a life.

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2 thoughts on “Say, “I Love You” Today

  • Dennis Hoffman

    On Monday I call my Uncle and my brother and sisters day live in Pennsylvania first time in 6 months that I called. Then they ask why it took me so long to call them I try to call them at least once a month

    • Ali Bierman Post author

      That is super news, Dennis. It is so important to stay in touch rather than regret not staying in touch later. It does make me wonder – if you had not spoken with them how come they did not call you?
      Well, some people just do not make calls. They usually say, “I was thinking about you and was going to call.” That is just how it is – sometimes.