Choice: One Step to Change Everything 4

The choices you make in each minute determine your success and prosperity OR the lack of either. So how do you go from “just getting by” and “same old, same old” to looking forward to each new day? Take this first step.

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4 thoughts on “Choice: One Step to Change Everything

  • Dennis Hoffman

    Well on Monday I went down to the Boise Mall and walk it for 30 min I felt good afterwards so I’m going to continue walking for 30 min a day there was a lot of people there doing what I was doing I knew about this but I never thought I would be doing it.

    • Ali Bierman Post author

      Well done, Dennis. While walking is not an efficient fat burning exercise it is super health-giving for your heart and lungs and mental well being. 🙂

  • Peni

    very nice Ali, really enjoyed the insight, especially that it can be something so small. Need to talk but am having issues as a you do; brain shorting for me.
    Bitterly cold here due for some snow; love to you, Me

    • Ali Bierman Post author

      You certainly did have some snow. BE sure to read the next email – all about snow. The post here will be something you may recognize too – being in the D.C. Area.